Background image with pink roses and designs. Soft brown overlay effect..

Lovely to meet you!

My name is Sophie.

I’m a web designer based in Australia, serving kind-hearted individuals who resonate with my values and design style, particularly those in the interior design, photography, and wedding industries. With a design aesthetic that naturally gravitates towards polished and feminine, I channel my skills in digital design and code to create websites that are intuitive, user-friendly and radiate sophistication. If you're looking for a web designer who not only understands your vision but also shares your excitement, I'd love to chat!

Feminine Squarespace website for wedding florist business.

Creating Gorgeous Digital Spaces

To me, design is not just about aesthetics; it's about enhancing functionality and enriching experiences. I truly believe that great design has the power to shape our emotions, guide our decisions, cultivate positive habits, and elevate our interactions with the world. My goal is to approach each website design with intention and purpose, striving to craft digital experiences that resonate deeply and inspire meaningful connections with your audience. I’m so excited to share my Squarespace templates with you, and soon I’ll also be launching my web design services!

My Values

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    Our combined efforts and dedication will be key to a successful project. While I’ll handle the design & build of your site, your active engagement with questionnaires, feedback and providing quality content is equally essential.

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    Integrity is a cherished value in our project journey. Built upon our mutual commitment to honesty, trust, and open communication, assuring both of us peace of mind knowing our shared values are upheld.

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    Kindness and mutual respect are essential ingredients for a meaningful project. It’s important to me that we not only create something beautiful but that the journey is delightful for the both of us.

fun get to know me

Quick Facts About Me


My favourite comfort shows of all time are Friends, Gilmore Girls, and more recently, Call the Midwife.


I graduated with a degree in Justice & Criminology, and electives in interior and graphic design. Embracing my two main passions, human behaviour and design!


I'm an INFJ type in the Myers-Briggs system. My passion for learning about others and myself naturally led me to explore the work of Carl Jung and then MBTI.


Originally I’m from Norway and Switzerland but I grew up mostly in Australia. Fun fact, I moved a fair bit and by age 24 I’d lived in over 30 homes!

Light and airy flatlay with a creative workbook.
The designer working on a laptop and drinking coffee.

A Little Backstory…

Choosing my Education path

Exploring potential career avenues, I ventured into various design fields during high school and university. At 17 I embarked on my first year of interior design at university, before transitioning to a degree in Justice and Criminology that aligned with my passion for human behaviour and social welfare. Despite my shift in focus, I maintained my fascination with design, complementing my studies with electives in interior and graphic design. Torn between two passions, I embraced both, seeking to integrate them into my professional journey.

Working as a visual merchandiser

During my academic pursuits, I embarked on a parallel journey in the realm of visual merchandising within the women's fashion industry. Starting with a casual position, I gradually worked my way up, eventually securing my dream role as the state visual merchandiser. Balancing work and studies, I deferred my academic pursuits temporarily to immerse myself fully in this role, returning to university part-time to complete my degree. This experience allowed me to develop a profound understanding of consumer behaviour and strategic visual displays.

approach to web design

Drawing upon insights from various design fields and informed by an understanding of human behaviour, I strive to create websites that authentically resonate with both you and your audience. By weaving together elements of design theory and psychology, my aim is to craft digital experiences that are both visually compelling and emotionally engaging.